- 副教授
- 教师拼音名称: zhuyuan
- 电子邮箱:
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 博士学位
- 毕业院校: 清华大学
- 学科:机械
- [1]电动汽车永磁同步电机转子温度估计.电机与控制学报,
- [2]A Position Error Compensation Method for Sensorless IPMSM Based on the Voltage Output of the Current-Loop PI-Regulator.
- [3]电动汽车永磁同步电机转子温度估计(大郡项目资助).电机与控制学报,
- [4]Current harmonic elimination method for Asymmetric Dual Three-Phase Permanent magnet synchronous motor.IET Electric Power Applications,
- [5]Current Regulator Design for Dual Y Shift 30 Degrees Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor.Electronics,
- [6]Luenberger Position Observer Based on Deadbeat-Current Predictive Control for Sensorless PMSM.MDPI-electronics,
- [7]Vector Control of Asymmetric Dual Three-Phase PMSM in Full Modulation Range.IEEE Access,
- [8]Current Harmonic suppression algorithm for Asymmetric Dual three- phase PMSM.Applied Sciences-Basel,
- [9]IGBT Junction Temperature Measurement Under Active-Short-Circuit and Locked-Rotor Modes in New Energy Vehicles.IEEE Access,
- [10]Modeling of Conduction and Switching Losses for IGBT and FWD Based on SVPWM in Automobile Electric Drives.Applied Sciences-Basel,