Zhicheng YUAN
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  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Administrative Position: Distinguished Researcher
  • Alma Mater: Kyoto University
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  • Research Focus
  • / Social Affiliations
  • [ 2023.8 - Now ] Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), Special Issue 'Research on Heat Transfer Analysis in Fluid Dynamics’Guest Editor.
  • Educational Experience
  • / Work Experience
  • 2018.10 - 2021.9

     Kyoto University |  Mechanical Engineering |  Doctor′s Degree graduated |  Doctor of Engineering 

  • 2015.9 - 2018.3

     Tongji University |  Thermal Science & Engineering |  Master's Degree graduated |  Master of Engineering 

  • 2011.9 - 2015.6

     China University of Mining and Technology |  Energy and Power Engineering |  University Normal Course graduated |  Bachelor of Engineering 

  • 2023.3 - Now

    同济大学 | 机械与能源工程学院 | 特聘研究员 | 上海

  • 2022.6 - 2023.3


  • 2021.11 - 2022.5

    东京大学 | 博士后 

Paper Publications

Research Projects


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