qiaofei Professor
Prof. Dr. Fei QIAO received the M.S. degree in control engineering and the Ph.D. degree in management engineering from Tongji University, Shanghai, China, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. Since 1993, she joined Tongji University, where she is currently a Full Professor with CIMS (Computer Integrat... More>
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Professional Title: Professor
  • Alma Mater: 同济大学
  • More>
  • Research Focus
  • / Social Affiliations

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  • Educational Experience
  • / Work Experience
  • 1994.3 - 1997.4

     同济大学 |  管理工程 |  Doctor′s Degree graduated |  Doctor Degree 

  • 1990.9 - 1993.3

     同济大学 |  工业电气自动化 |  Master's Degree graduated |  Master Degree 

  • 1985.9 - 1990.7

     同济大学 |  工业电气自动化 |  University Normal Course graduated |  Bachelor Degree 

  • 1993.4 - Now

    同济大学 | 教学、科研 

Paper Publications

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Research Projects

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