

  • 讲师(高校)
  • 教师拼音名称: ZHAO Jinchao
  • 学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 学位: 哲学博士学位
  • 毕业院校: 弗吉尼亚大学



研究项目 Research Projects





学术论文 Peer-reviewed Articles

1.     “Filial Piety in Fluidity: The Tension between the Textual and Visual Traditions of Syama Jataka in Early Medieval China” Religions 6 (2023), special issue “Narratives in Buddhism”

2.     “Connecting the Sacred: Network Analysis of Buddhist Images on Early Medieval Chinese Pagodas from Nannieshui, Shanxi” Religions 5 (2023), special issue “Digital and Spatial Religion”

3.     《波斯细密画在欧美学界的研究嬗变:以文图叙事问题为例》,《文学与图像:文图互释》第7卷,北京:北京大学出版社,2023年,56-74页。

4.     “Chinese Buddhist Narratives in Light of Indian Sources: A Case Study of Sudāna Jātaka’s Reception in Early Medieval China.” Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Asian Interactions 20 (2022): 1-47.

5.     “Reconfiguring the Buddha’s Realm: Pictorial Programs on Fifth-century Chinese Miniature Pagodas.” In Tradition, Transmission, and Transformation: Perspectives on East Asian Buddhist Art. Edited by Dorothy Wong. Delaware: Vernon Press, 2022.

6.     “Generating Sacred Space beyond Architecture: Miniature Pagodas in Early Medieval China.” Religions 12 (2021), special issue “Buddhist Architecture in East Asia”

7.     《形制、图像与布局:云冈石窟浮雕塔的流变》,《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》,2021年第5期,112-120页。

8.     “Integration and Transformation: A Study of the Sun and the Moon Depicted in the Imagery of Fuxi and Nüwa.” Asian Studies, vol. 8, no. 2 (2019), 13-45.

9.     “Wonders of ‘The Book of Surprises’: an Examination of the Depictions of the Architecture in a Jalayirid Manuscript and its two Ottoman Copies.” International Journal of Eurasian Studies, vol. 17, no. 7 (2018), 211-227.

10.   《须大拏故事的文本与图像关系再析》,《文学与图像》第6卷,南京:江苏凤凰教育出版社,2017年,211-236页。

11.   《小说<佩德罗·帕拉莫>的重复艺术》,The UC Berkeley Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal (CLUJ), vol. 3, no. 1, 2012.


书评 Book Reviews

镜花水月——中國古代美術考古與佛教藝術的探討, by Yen Chuan-Ying 顏娟英, 2016,人文宗教研究. Vol. 12 (北京大学出版社, 2020), 345–49.

翻译 Translations

1.     Dehejia, Vidya. “Zaoqi Fojiao yishu de shijue xushi moshi” 早期佛教藝術的視覺敘事模式. Translation of “On Modes of Visual Narration in Early Buddhist Art.” In 文学与图像. Vol. 7 (江苏凤凰教育出版社, 2019):  235–62.

2.     Co-translated with Yucheng Gan. Wong, Dorothy C. “Chudiyin zhuangshi foxiang zai zhongguo de xingcheng yu chuanbo” 觸地印裝飾佛像在中國的形成與傳播.  Translation of “The Formation and Spread of the Bejeweled Buddha in Earth-touching Gesture Images in China.” In佛学研究, no. 1 (2018): 1852.

3.     Luo Wenhua 羅文華. “The Dissemination of the Gupta Style in China.” Translation of     “Jiduo fengge jiqi zai zhongguo de jianjin” 笈多風格及其在中國的漸進. In 故宫博物院 [The Palace Museum] ed., Across the Silk Road: Gupta Sculpture and Chinese Parallel during 400700 AD, 134150(故宫出版社, 2016)。

其他Public Writing

1.     “Xu Fancheng: The Spiritual Journey of an Artist, Scholar, and Yogi.” StoryMaps on China-India artistic interaction, NYU Shanghai, 2022.

2.     “Yungang Grottoes.” Smarthistory. https://smarthistory.org/yungang-grottoes/

3.     “White-supremacy Rally and Sculpture Removal in Charlottesville. The Paper 澎湃,20178


策展经历 Curatorial Experience

上海纽约大学环球亚洲研究中心花开并蒂:20世纪中印艺术交流展(线上)联合策展              2021~23

弗吉尼亚大学研究生协会年度展览“Science Art Exhibition”(科学中的艺术)联合策展                   2018.4


受邀讲座 Invited Talks

2023        佛塔、造像石与四面像:山西南涅水出土石塔节研究,复旦大学文史研究院小型学术研究会

2022         “In the Mountainous Landscape: Tension between the Textual and Visual Traditions of Buddhist Jatakas in Early Medieval China”,印度阿育王大学历史系季风系列讲座第二讲


2021       巩县石窟与六世纪河南北部的佛教艺术:以佛像与石碑为例》,香港中文大学艺术系

2019       《形制与意义,文献与图像:中古早期佛塔源流的研究史与方法论》,浙江大学汉藏佛教艺术研究中心

2017       《波斯叙事细密画的研究现状与方法》,北京大学佛教典籍与艺术研究中心

2016       《关于十四世纪阿拉伯语<奇迹之书>及其土耳其语抄本的艺术特色分析》,北京大学东方文学研究中心