唐一超,国家海外高层次青年人才,同济大学机械与能源工程学院教授、博士生导师,智能医疗机器人课题组PI。先后在北京科技大学、美国伍斯特理工学院、美国天普大学获得学士、硕士、博士学位。其后在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校和德国马克斯普朗克研究所从事博士后研究(师从美国工程院院士Metin Sitti教授)。学术成果已发表于《Science》、《Science Advances》、《PNAS》、《Advanced Materials》、《Soft Robotics》等顶级期刊。曾获得德国洪堡学者、世界人工智能大会优秀青年论文、上海科技青年35人引领计划等奖项。
1. S. Tawfick* and Y. Tang, “Stronger Artificial Muscles with a Twist”, Science(影响因子:47.728), 365, 6449, 125 (2019)
2. Y. Tang, Y. Chi, J. Sun, T. Huang, O. Maghsoudi, A. Spence, J. Zhao, H. Su, J. Yin*, “Leveraging Elastic instabilities for Amplified Performance (LEAP): Spine-inspired High-speed and High-force Soft Machines”, Science Advances(影响因子:14.136), 6, 6912 (2020)
3. Y. Tang#, Y. Li#, Y. Hong, S. Yang and J. Yin*, “Programmable Active Kirigami Metasheets with more Freedom of Actuation”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(影响因子:11.205), 116, 52, 26407 (2019)
4. Y. Tang, M. Li, T. Wang, X. Dong, W. Hu, M. Sitti, “Wireless Miniature Magnetic Phase-Change Soft Actuators”, Advanced Materials(影响因子:30.849), 34, 2204185 (2022)
5. Y. Tang, G. Lin, S. Yang, Y. K. Yi, R. D. Kamien, and J. Yin*, “Programmable Kiri-kirigami Metamaterials”, Advanced Materials(影响因子:30.849), 29, 1604262 (2017)
6. M. Li#, Y. Tang#, R. Soon, B. Dong, W. Hu* and M. Sitti*, “Miniature Coiled Artificial Muscle for Wireless Soft Medical Devices”, Science Advances(影响因子:14.136), 8, 10, abm5616 (2022)
7. Y. Tang, G. Lin, L. Han, S. Qiu, S. Yang* and J. Yin*, “Design of hierarchically cut hinges for highly stretchable and reconfigurable metamaterials with enhanced strength”, Advanced Materials(影响因子:30.849), 27, 7181-7190 (2015)
8. Y. Tang*, Q. Zhang, G. Lin and J. Yin*, “Switchable Adhesion Actuator for Amphibious Climbing Soft Robot”, Soft Robotics(影响因子:8.071), 5, 5, 592 (2018)
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[1] 德国马克思普朗克研究所智能系统所 博士后
2019.3 -- 2019.11