- 教授
- 教师英文名称: Jie Yuan
- 教师拼音名称: Yuan jie
- 电子邮箱:
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 博士学位
- 主要任职: 同济大学民航飞行区设施耐久与安全运行重点实验室副主任
- 毕业院校: 同济大学
- 学科:交通运输工程
- [91]袁捷.Experimental study on evaluation standard of repair mortar performance for rigid pavement.International Symposium of Climatic Effects on Pavement and Geotechnical Infrastructure 2013,2014,89-98.
- [92]基于分时叠加的机场沥青道面结构设计方法.同济大学学报. 自然科学版,2014,42(7):1070-1076.
- [93]袁捷.The Optimization of ACN-PCN Evaluation Method for Airport Pavement under Operation.KREUZSTRASSE 10, 8635 DURNTEN-ZURICH, SWITZERLAND:3rd International Conference on Concrete Pavements Design, Construction, and Rehabilitation (ICCPDCR 2013),2014,857141-+.
- [94]袁捷.Study on the Performance Deterioration of Asphalt Overlays on Rigid Runway Pavement-Case Study at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport.Reston, VA, USA:International Symposium of Climatic Effects on Pavement and Geotechnical Infrastructure 2013,2014,183-92.
- [95]袁捷.Experimental study on evaluation standard of repair mortar performance for rigid pavement.Reston, VA, USA:International Symposium of Climatic Effects on Pavement and Geotechnical Infrastructure 2013,2014,89-98.
- [96]袁捷.沥青道面修补材料和易性指标及影响因素.中国民航大学学报,2014,32(01):46-50.
- [97]袁捷.不同设计方法对沥青道面结构设计厚度的影响.中国民航大学学报,2014,32(04):39-42.
- [98]袁捷.基于线性混合效应模型的道面使用性能预测.同济大学学报. 自然科学版,2014,42(5):707-713.
- [99]镐头机拆除刚性道面动力损伤分析.西南交通大学学报,2014,49(5):804-810.
- [100]袁捷.一种机场轮迹测试方法.2014,