Jie Yuan
Education Level: Doctor′s Degree graduated
Degree: Doctor Degree
Professional Title: Professor
Academic Titles: 同济大学民航飞行区设施耐久与安全运行重点实验室副主任
Alma Mater: Tongji University
Communication and Transportation
Traffic and Transportation
Achievements of The Thesis
- [1]基于Markov转移矩阵预测机场道面使用状态.同济大学学报. 自然科学版,2012,40(11):1666-1671.
- [2]Jie Yuan.Determination of subgrade resilient modulus for existing pavement based on moisture condition coupled with stress.2010 GeoShanghai International Conference - Paving Materials and Pavement Analysis,2010,(203 GSP):468-475.
- [3]Jie Yuan.机场水泥混凝土道面接缝传荷能力分析.土木工程学报,2009,42(2):112-118.
- [4]Jie Yuan.Effect of water-saturated state to Immersion Marshall test.Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao (Jiaotong Kexue Yu Gongcheng Ban)/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science and Engineering),2008,32(4):619-622.
- [5]Jie Yuan.Comparative analysis of using laboratory testing and nondestructive testing to obtain subgrade resilient moduli.Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation,2006,99-104.
- [6]Jie Yuan.新解"安全、质量和成果".中国公路,2005,(11):
- [7]Jie Yuan.Application of GIS in airport pavement management system.Journal of Tongji University,2003,31(8):911-915.