Title of Achievement:行车荷载作用下湿软路基残余变形及其控制技术研究
Affiliation of Participants:交通学院
Granted by:上海市
Level of Award:Provincial and ministerial level - Shanghai City
Grade of Award:Third prize
Date of Award:2004-01-01
Number of Participants:7
Education Level: Doctor′s Degree graduated
Degree: Doctor Degree
Professional Title: Professor
Academic Titles: 同济大学民航飞行区设施耐久与安全运行重点实验室副主任
Alma Mater: Tongji University
Communication and Transportation
Traffic and Transportation
Title of Achievement:行车荷载作用下湿软路基残余变形及其控制技术研究
Affiliation of Participants:交通学院
Granted by:上海市
Level of Award:Provincial and ministerial level - Shanghai City
Grade of Award:Third prize
Date of Award:2004-01-01
Number of Participants:7