Junying Min
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Administrative Position: 同济大学机械与能源工程学院副院长
Education Level: Doctor′s Degree graduated
Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Professional Title: Professor
Alma Mater: 同济大学
Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Social Affiliations
Current Location:
> Social Affiliations
- [ 2017.12 - Now ] 中国汽车轻量化创新技术战略联盟专家委员会副秘书长/理事/专家委员
- [ 2017.12 - Now ] Automotive Innovation国际期刊编委/客座主编
- [ 2021.8 - Now ] Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering国际期刊编委、中国机械工程、塑性工程学报等期刊青年编委
- [ 2016.7 - Now ] 多个国际会议组委会、科学委员会成员
- [ 2014.1 - Now ] Journal of Materials Processing Technology, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials & Design等20余种SCI国际期刊及多个先进制造领域国际学术会议评审专家。