Title of Achievement:小型涡扇发动机燃油高品质调控系统关键技术及应用
Affiliation of Participants:机械与能源工程学院
Granted by:四川省人民政府
Grade of Award:Third prize
Date of Award:2022-01-01
Number of Participants:6
Associate professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Professional Title: Associate professor
Academic Titles: 机械与能源工程学院学术委员会委员
Alma Mater: 浙江大学
Mechanical Engineering
Intelligent Science and technologyy
Mechatronic Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Title of Achievement:小型涡扇发动机燃油高品质调控系统关键技术及应用
Affiliation of Participants:机械与能源工程学院
Granted by:四川省人民政府
Grade of Award:Third prize
Date of Award:2022-01-01
Number of Participants:6